Ancient tips to cure white hair.

You have discovered my article for causes for white hair previously.Now we will look over for the prevention or cure for white hair by natural method in today's topic.
This topic helps not only in curing white hair also helps in reducing the hair loss to get stronger hair. Now lets go through the tips….


To comb the hair regularly:
I believe everyone would be shocked by hearing this tip. Yes, we comb daily, but not in a correct manner.  Let the comb reach the scalp and comb from all eight directions on the head for about 15 minutes daily. You can get the result by one month and so. 


To reduce hair fall does not utilize a plastic comb use a wooden comb instead. This reduces your hair fall a lot. 


The comb brushes must be spacious to reduce the stress of hair, which also prevents the hair loss.


The utmost tip for white hair.
Bhringaraj leaf [Guntagala aku in Telugu] oil. Apply this oil daily to your head you can get the result by 4 months. Your hair will totally turn black. Application of this oil to scalp gives relaxation and moves us to sleep. (Write to me if you are looking to prepare this oil).

Tip Five:

Aloe Vera oil, amla & shikakai also helps reducing hair loss.


Take a lemon, add two teaspoons of water and four teaspoons of Indian gooseberry (Amla) powder to it. Mix it thoroughly and make it a paste. Leave it for an hour and apply it to the scalp. Keep it for half an hour and wash your hair with water. Do this often 2 times a week. The hair turns black within months.


Banyan Tree is the best medicinal plant found mostly in India cures white hair and helps develop more substantial. Every part of Banyan tree is very useful in ayurvedic terms. Every part of Banyan tree is very useful in Ayurvedic terms. Banyan tree (Marrichettu in Telugu) limbs also helps hair grow stronger and also reduces white hair. Add the limbs of Banyan tree to the oil and boil it for some time. Then when it is lukewarm applied to the hair. Do this regularly so as to improve your hair growth.


Fraying of the fingers also helps cure gray hair.


Later all this one is very much panic to make use of this. We have many reasons for that. 
 · It may increase dryness of hair. 
 · Harmful increases 
 · Other side effects, etc.
Some hair is so sensitive towards everything. So better add natural conditioner to the oil. Yes. While boiling the oil, add Aloe Vera to it which adds as a good conditioner, which in turn makes the hair smoother. 

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