Ancient Tips for Infant to prevent & cure COUGH & COLD
The word "mother" is indefinable. As she adds a new term to the world, no one can define the one that corresponds to God.
"When a baby is born, a mother is born" is a reality that only mothers can comprehend. Indeed, it is an amazing movement that will live on forever.
It will hurt a lot, though, if the baby is poorly. As a mother, I used to give my child advice on how to stay healthy after a bath.
Babies need to be handled carefully; I prefer to follow these instructions at home first, then visit the doctor two to three days later since I don't enjoy constantly visiting the doctor.
Advice for newborns on how to avoid and treat colds and coughs
The adage "Prevention is better than cure" is well known, therefore let's hear some advice about it.
Take some burnt coal and add carom seeds and garlic peel (garlic waste) right after the bath every day. Some hard gas will emerge. Make the baby breathe the gas slowly. The baby won't cough or become cold thanks to this gas.
We are all aware that the best way to keep a baby healthy is
to entirely shield them from the elements.
Tips to cure Cough & Cold
1. The above tip is also used to cure. [Note: This tip applies not only for children even to elders.]
2. Take a pinch of crude camphor(Pacha Karpuramu) add drops of coconut oil mash it and apply to hands, legs, chest, neck, head, nose & back of body (only to slight extent only).
3. You can also get Pancha Tulasi medicine from Medical
shops. Take a Pill and add it in mothers milk or some other milk and give it to
baby. [Note: Only one Pill is to be used per day.]
4. If you have Holy Basil plant in your house then crush the leaves and give your baby 2 drops of it. This also cures from cough & cold.
5. Zinda Tilismath is also a good medicine for children only one drop is used along with milk.
6. Add two drops of coconut oil/castor oil to the baby ears and close it with cotton a bud which gives relief to a lot.
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